We are all works in process…

Thanks for visiting my new site! Like all of us, it is a work in process.

I’m the subject head of Dramatic Arts for Maple High School, and just returned from maternity leave after birthing my first child a year ago. The first year of my son’s life was a bit rocky, and my first month back at work were a major challenge for my family, as my husband also started a new job. We were finally feeling like we had adjusted to our “new normal” when WHAM! we were all hit with a global pandemic! So here we are, waking up each day to remind ourselves that the world has changed and counting our blessings as we hope for an end to this global crisis soon. We are just like most other fortunate folks right now, meeting new challenges daily but trying to make the most our of our situation. As they say, “wherever you go, there you are,” so we are learning how to grow into our own as new parents, as employees lucky enough to still have work, and, most importantly, as people.

If you want to see what I’ve been up to in the past and get an idea of what I’m all about, check out my old site, jomaselli.com. I’ve got a few even older sites, most of which have been archived by now. Playing around with digital communication approaches has been a little hobby of mine throughout my teaching career. I’m looking for ways to create connection on a human level between the work we do at school and who we are as people. Thanks for being part of the experiment!