Sample Jamboard for Arts Curriculum Exploration

I created this Jamboard Activity in response to some questions filtering in from students who want a little more structure within what will be a co-designed & responsive learning experience.

It was created in response to student “wonderings” about curriculum, assessment, and the types of things we can expect to learn in our class, along with some perceived anxieties about how/whether we can do that online, masked, or with physical distancing. One of the things I’m really trying to do is make lots of space for student feedback and co-construction, and honouring students at every level of readiness.

My plan right now is to do the first 3 pieces as a class and then divide students into smaller groups to work on subsequent slides during the period, with consolidation either at the end of the period or beginning of the next one (these 40 synch blocks are tough to plan).

This sample activity / resource is for Grade 9 Drama but many slides could be reused for different grades and subjects, with little to no modification. I clearly ran out of time as the formatting of latter slides gets progressively less exciting, so if you copy and make it fancier, I would love to get a share back on this one. My child and partner would also love it, as they waited very patiently for our family walk while I rushed to complete this on a Saturday afternoon 😂 #teachermomlife