"You Have to be Passionate About This Career." - Chatting with Six the Musical's Gerianne Pérez!
Gerianne Pérez
By. Kevin Ray Johnson (Staff Writer for OnStage Blog)
I would like for you to meet Gerianne Pérez. Gerianne will be performing as Catherine of Aragon in the Boleyn Tour of Six! Gerianne has also performed on Broadway in Waitress (as well as the National Tour) and the OBC of In Transit. Gerianne began her professional career with a role in the award-winning production of Volleygirls at the Signature Theatre alongside Susan Blackwell and Monica Raymund.
I have been fortunate to see Gerianne perform on a couple of occasions and she completely blew me away. I am so excited to see what she has to bring to the role of Catherine. I am so happy that she took the time to get the chance to feature her.
How old were you when you knew you wanted to be an Actress?
I had always LOVED performing since middle school, but I knew I wanted to go to college and pursue this career when I was a senior in High School. Up until that point, I had wanted to go to an Ivy League school and become a neurologist, so quite the switch up!
Where did you study? Are there any mentors that helped make you the Wonderful Performer you are today?
I studied at NYU: Tisch School of the Arts. I loved my time there and attribute a lot of how far my career has come due to my education there. And I had too many mentors to name! The top ones that come to mind are Bernard Crouse, David Duvall, Katie Elshire, Aimee Francis, Erin Ortman, Michael McElroy, and Byron Easley.
Congratulations on Six. This is truly one of my favorite Musicals to come out in years. How has your time been with the show?
Thank you! My time with the show has been incredible. It's the first time I've been in a room with an all-female cast and creative team and the energy and excitement around what we're creating is palpable. It's a beautifully special piece and it's an honor to get to bring this message to theatres and communities across the country. Truly surreal!
Are there any other shows, performances, or moments in your career that will always stick out and be near and dear to your heart?
I think my time with Waitress takes the cake for this one. I've been a part of the show (off and on) for five and a half years, I opened/closed the first national tour AND got to bring Waitress back to Broadway after the industry shutdown during Covid. Ever since I was a teenager, Sara Bareilles was one of my top favorite recording artists so getting to do the show with her was something I'll never forget. And reopening Broadway after such a long time away and hearing the audience's uproarious applause the night of our first performance was a feeling I've never experienced before. After over a year without theatre, it was the moment where it settled in that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be!
What advice would you give any young artist who would like a career in the performing arts?
So many things! I would start by saying that more than anything, you have to be passionate about this career. The industry has many ups and downs and I frequently liken it to a roller coaster ride with many peaks and valleys. So, to make it through the valleys, it's essential that you love what you're doing and can find joy during those times. I would also say to never underestimate the importance of training. Voice lessons, dance classes, and acting sessions are all essential and won't stop even when you make your Broadway debut or even when you have multiple contracts under your belt. You'll be a student in life in this thing and it's amazing to know you'll never stop growing. Lastly, I would say that striving to achieve perfection wouldn't be the best path to go down. I say this as a person who's traveled that road many times and still frequently falls into the trap of it. But perfection is highly overrated and more than anything, people want to see you be authentically you. Because that is something special.
To learn more about the Boleyn Tour of Six, make sure you visit - https://sixonbroadway.com; To learn more about Gerianne, please visit her official website at - https://www.gerianneperez.com