Rose Van Dyne Discusses 1776 & Collaborating on Art that Feeds Your Soul!
Photo Credit - Román Zaragoza.
It is my honor to introduce you to Rose Van Dyne. Rose is currently making her Broadway debut in 1776, performing as a Standby. Regionally, Rose performed in the out-of-town tryout of 1776 at ART. Other credits include performing in Interstate at The Mixed Blood Theatre; Cambodian Rock Band, All's Well That Ends Well at The Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and Spring Awakening at The Argyle Theatre. On the other side of the table, Rose has served as a Music Fellow in the Broadway Reopening of Waitress and Music Director in Dragon Baby at ART.
I truly think Understudies, Standby's, and Swings are the true unsung heroes of every production. It takes a true level of strength to be ready to play a role on any specific night and then a completely different role potentially the next time. Rose is a truly multifaceted artist who I truly admire and appreciate. I am very thankful that Rose took the time!
How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer?
I have loved performing since I was young - I have taken music lessons since I was 5 and was lucky to be in the choir. I loved making music as a part of a community. But it wasn't until my senior year of high school that I thought it was possible to perform for a living!
Where did you study? Do you have any mentors that truly helped you become the wonderful performer you are today?
I double majored in piano and musical theatre at the University of Northern Colorado, but, I would say there's no education like joining the industry and starting to work. I have had many brilliant and nurturing mentors/teachers in my life like Connie Cooper Fobes, Allison Pietras, Ted Reedy, Russ Brown, Shelly Gaza, Aaron Galligan-Stierle, and Jared Trudeau, just to name a few. Each of them was instrumental to my successes in that they gave me the tools I needed and foundational confidence to believe in myself and my potential. I am forever grateful.
1776 is truly a groundbreaking revival. How has your time been with the show?
The greatest thing I've gained from this show is a community of people I absolutely adore. It has been such a joy getting to know every single person and having as much fun together offstage as we do on stage. Our love for each other is palpable.
Are there any shows, performances, or moments in your career that will always stand out and be near and dear to your heart?
My Broadway performance debut with 1776 was a day I will never forget. It was such a rush to get that last-minute call that I would be going on stage for the matinee. My partner also happened to be in town at the time and was able to see the show! I felt so supported and loved by so many people in my life, near and far.
What advice would you give any young performers wanting a career in the performing arts?
As performers, we're taught to fold and twist ourselves to fit the molds we think other people want. Don't do it. Along the way, you may find that you've contorted into a shape that you don't recognize. Instead, you want to be in the rooms that are meant for you- collaborate on art that feeds your soul, and helps tell stories that you think need to be told. The more you focus on your craft and stay true to yourself, the more the right opportunities will come along and find you.
1776 is currently running on Broadway until January 8th with The Roundabout Theatre Company at American Airlines Arena. For more information, please visit -
And to learn more about Rose, make sure you visit her official website at -