Roosevelt University Music Professor Accused of Grooming and Sexual Assault
by Chris Peterson, OnStage Blog Founder
TW: This story contains graphic details of grooming and sexual assault.
A music professor at one of the country’s most prestigious performing arts colleges is under investigation after allegations of grooming and sexual assault were brought forward by one of his former students.
The professor, who has not been publicly named yet, currently teaches in the musical conservatory at Roosevelt University’s Chicago College of Performing Arts in Chicago, IL. Sources tell me that a Title IX investigation has begun, but the professor will still be allowed to teach on campuses when classes begin this fall.
The student, Emily Zwijack, posted her allegations and evidence on an Instagram account “sashassastory”. Emily initially posted her account anonymously, however, came out publicly after she reported the incidents to the school’s Title IX office.
The account and evidence that has been posted are thorough and disturbing. Emily states that the grooming began during her second year at the school. She had first confided in the professor after she found out her mom was diagnosed with cancer. The professor then would use their Catholic faith to build further trust between the two. After that, the professor initiated conversations that became more intimate and delved into more private matters such as relationships and sex.
According to Emily, over the next year, the professor would mentally manipulate and groom her. A petition that calls for the removal of the professor from campus, states:
“He took the role of Emily's therapist and friend, listening and URGING her to share detailed information about her life. He used this to become her main support system. He gave her special educational support, religious guidance, emotional support etc. He even gained access to her personal phone number to call and text her OUTSIDE of school hours on a regular basis.”
The professor would also write and send erotic stories to Emily, asked her to send him pictures of her in a bikini and videos of her topless.
After more than a year of grooming her, Emily states that during her junior year, she was sexually assaulted by the professor on multiple occasions, including assaulting her in his office at the university.
This past summer, Emily notified the Title IX office at Roosevelt University who told her that an investigation has begun. After posting her story online, the professor sent police to her house because, Emily says, he was worried about her mental state. She says this was another example of him trying to emotionally manipulate her.
While the school investigating, the accused professor will be allowed on campus and teach classes.
The petition further states,
“Having this faculty member around CCPA is not only triggering for Emily, but triggering for all other students and faculty that have been groomed and abused in their lifetime. Having this faculty member at school is a DANGER to everyone in CCPA.”
Emily discusses further what kind of toll this ordeal has taken on her. She says she has lost a staggering amount of weight over a short amount of time. She deals with anxiety from the trauma of the grooming and assaults. She talks about the impact of potentially seeing him on campus this fall.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be seeing him so much this school year,” Emily said on Instagram. “His office is right next to the practice rooms. Right across from the lounge. Between my classrooms.”
This is the second time Roosevelt University has made headlines with allegations against its professors. In 2019, we reported that former students brought allegations of racial discrimination and sexual harassment against professors at the school. Some of the allegations of sexual harassment involved Associate Dean and Director of Theatre at the time, Sean Kelley. A petition circulated calling for Mr. Kelley’s removal. While it is not known if any investigations occurred, Mr. Kelley is no longer employed by Roosevelt University.
We will continue to update the current allegations at Roosevelt as new information becomes available.
For now, however, Emily is glad this is all coming out. “I have to admit I feel more free now that people know what I had to secretly live through,” she said on Instagram.
If you would like to read and sign the petition, it can be found here.
Excerpt from Emily’s Instagram account