Rolfe Was Never a Good Guy: A Different Perspective on 'The Sound of Music'
In my previous editions of this column I've talked about how certain villains might have been given a bad rap, but let's be honest, there are plenty of characters that don't get enough of a rap. Often times these characters are either forgotten because they don't really play an integral part in the overall arc of the story, or their doings are never so overtly devious that they become automatically noticeable.
I was recently watching The Sound of Music, and the thought I kept having was, "Man, Rolfe is kind of a jerk."
But the thing is, he never stopped being a jerk. In fact, he's a jerk throughout the entire movie. And while one key moment has always stopped most from thinking he's a defined villain, his act isn't that heroic.
So let's go through the movie version of The Sound of Music and break down how Rolfe Gruber was never actually a good guy.
When we're first introduced to Rolfe, he's delivering a telegram for the Captain. When he is greeted by the doorman, the two exchange words about "developments" and "movement" which implies that they are both Nazi supporters.
Now, this is important to note because, at this point in history, it gives us some insight into Rolfe. Given that he’s a Nazi supporter before the invasion of Austria, his support doesn’t come from fear of not supporting them. He’s all-in from the get-go, which means he’s all about what the Nazi Party believes in, which is hating Jews, homosexuals and promoting the “Aryan Race”. That was one of the founding beliefs of the part in 1919 and The Sound of Music takes place in 1938. By then, the Nuremberg Laws and the Buchenwald concentration camp had opened. Given that Nazi Germany was keeping these camps secret, it’s assumed that Rolfe wouldn’t have known about their existence.
But what he certainly did know was that a country led by a political party that has made it their mission to hate Jews and others, is making its way into his country and he’s on board with it. To drive this point home, in about 10 minutes, he’s going to obnoxiously state how wise he is at seventeen. So he’s old enough to know right from wrong and make his own decisions. If you disagree with that, just remember, a year later in the US, teenagers can vote. We’re not talking about impressionable 12-year-olds here.
Later on, when Liesl goes to meet him by the gazebo, he makes a point to tell Liesl how "Austrian" her father is, despite the fact that he too, is Austrian. Rolfe goes on to state how some people feel they should be German instead of Austrian, which means he's referring to himself.
He then goes onto tell Liesl how worried he is for her because she is such a "baby." Next, he launches into the misogynistic anthem that is "Sixteen Going on Seventeen".
Now some could make a point that this song isn't misogynistic because Rolfe is just explaining his feelings for Liesl in a masculine way, I don't really buy that. Some could also make the point that the song is misogynistic but falls in line with the early 1960s mentalities(when the show was written) or early 1938 (when the show takes place). That's a fair point.
“I honestly think it’s a song to establish how the pairing shouldn’t work and a big red flag about being in a relationship with this specific messenger boy. “
But looking at the song, I don’t think it’s a cute sweet song between teenagers, I honestly think it’s a song to establish how the pairing shouldn’t work and a big red flag about being in a relationship with this specific messenger boy.
After Rolfe makes his manly decelerations known, he disappears for a while. We only see him again in a short scene where he makes sure to give his Nazi salute. Even more, he salutes Captain Von Trapp who Rolfe knows isn’t on board with the Nazis invading Austria. So it’s fair to think this moment is either a proverbial middle finger or some sort of harassing gesture.
After that, we don't see him again until right before the concert but by then, Nazi Germany has invaded Austria and successfully annexed it. During this time, Austrian Nazis broke into Jewish shops, stole from Jewish homes and businesses, and forced Jews to perform humiliating acts such as scrubbing the streets or cleaning toilets. While we don’t know for sure if Rolfe would’ve participated in such horrific acts, given his support from the beginning, he would’ve supported it.
When he sees Liesl again, his demeanor has changed, acting very much like a full-blown Nazi soldier. He makes it a point to tell Liesl that "we make it our business to know everything about everyone."Some have said he was just a teenager puffing his chest, trying to act tough. I agree with this. But he also did it because he fully supports what’s going on around him.
When Liesl asks if he wants to deliver his telegram to her house, so that they can have another gazebo pecking session, he sternly tells her, "I'm now concerned with more important matters. See your father gets this telegram if he knows what's good for him." Yeah, fuck this dude.
Now comes the pivotal scene that's been up for debate. After the concert, as the Von Trapp Family is escaping, Rolfe(now in full-on Swastika garb) catches them leaving the cemetery. With Rolfe is pointing the gun at him, the Captain motions for his family to run to the waiting car.
As the Captain approaches, Rolfe threatens to shoot him but can't. The Captain takes his gun and says "You'll never be one of them," which Rolfe reacts, by alerting his fellow soldiers to the Von Trapp's presence.
Now the debate I've heard is that Rolfe is actually a good guy because he lets the family go. But having re-watched this scene, that's never really the case. First of all, he never lowers his gun or makes a motion to let the family escape. He keeps it square on the Captain. Also, his intentions never change, he keeps stating that he will either take the Captain to his lieutenants or shoot him dead right there, in close proximity to his family.
But the most important element here is what the Captain says to Rolfe. After pleading with Rolfe to abandon the Nazi Party and runaway with them and Rolfe giving up his gun, the reaction to the Captain's line of "You'll never be one of them", is very telling of who Rolfe actually is.
I would like to think that most people would say, "Of course I won't be. I'm against violent takeovers of my home country! I also love Leisl and want to be with her!"
But Rolfe doesn't react that way. In fact, he becomes angry and offended at the idea that he's not a Nazi soldier. As if to say, "How dare you for not thinking that I don't support terrorizing my fellow countrymen!"
And remember that when he alerts his fellow soldiers, he says, "They're here!", which means Rolfe was ready and willing to turn in the entire Von Trapp family including “the sun is gone” Gretl and Liesl, the girl he so dickishly said he would take care of.
I should also note that in the stage version, Rolfe isn’t much of a hero either. While he helps the family escape, he does this only after seeing Liesl. Had he not seen her, he would have been fine turning in her entire family.
It would be completely different if Rolfe's transition to the Nazi Party was done out of fear or pressure or happened after Austria was invaded. But from the opening moments of his appearance, Rolfe portrays himself as a willing and enthusiastic volunteer. When you add this to his views on the roles of women in relationships, can we put to rest the argument over whether or not Rolfe was every a good guy? Methinks so.