Katonah Classic Stage kicks off with strong 'Private Lives'
Cast Of Private Lives
l to r: Jonathan Fielding, Brenda Withers, Trent Dawson, Dawn Vanessa Brown and Lea DiMarchi
Pia Haas, Guest Editorial
This was my first outing to see a show by the newest (relatively) and most welcomed addition to the Westchester County theatre scene.
Katonah Classic Stage is a non-profit, professional theatre company. Their aim is to inspire and engage audiences with a commitment to community and artistic excellence. “We strive for a transformative experience, through empathy and imagination, by offering exceptional, collaborative, diverse, and professional productions of classical and contemporary plays with a core commitment to Shakespeare and other master dramatists.”
Private Lives is Noel Coward's finest comedy, originally written for himself and his closest friend Gertrude Lawrence. The play features a glamorous couple with a turbulent past relationship. They meet randomly in a hotel, five years after their divorce. They happen to be on their honeymoons with new spouses and discover they still have intense feelings for each other. They run off together to Paris leaving behind their confused partners. What follows is a tempestuous, hilarious ride.
Director, Christa Scott-Reed has assembled an extremely talented cast. The actors’ understanding of Coward’s script is evident. Coward’s fiery dialogue is delivered with elegance and skill. Her direction is brisk, well-staged, and full of beautifully timed humor and well played pathos.
Trent Dawson plays the suave, sophisticated Elyot Chase persuasively. He also reveals his character's vulnerability, and his total befuddlement by the unexpected circumstances.
Brenda Withers brings elegance and a cool haughtiness to Amanda Prynne. She is equally charming and wicked with a fragility hidden underneath.
They have great chemistry together, whether they are cuddling, or she is breaking a record over his head. There is an intricately choreographed clash between the two of them in which they go leaping over furniture. Leighton Schlanger does an excellent job staging the fights. The physical comedy is delivered with superb timing.
Their new, unsuitable spouses are the insipid Sybil Chase and the pompous, but shy, Victor Prynne.
The wonderful Lea DiMarchi as Sybil is in awe of Elyot and loves him with a deep devotion. She has extraordinarily little sense of who she married. Her bewilderment at his actions is wonderfully genuine as is her blubbering.
The terrific Jonathan Fielding perfectly portrays Victor’s self-righteousness when criticizing Amanda or attempting to make an honest man out of Elyot.
The harried maid, Louise, is played with humor and agility while spouting fluent French, by Dawn Vanessa Brown.
Steven Abusch designed the art deco sets, which include adjoining balconies at the seaside hotel and a very lavish Paris living room with rich furnishings of the 1930’s. Kudos for the perfectly curated properties throughout. The show is splendidly lit by Peter Petrino. Brenda Phelps’ gorgeous period costumes range from bouncy to stylishly elegant. The sound work provided by Sean Ramos was always clear and well mixed and included Noel Coward songs and a bit of Cole Porter that added a hint of the time of the play whenever needed.
The skilled supporting crew included Kristine Schlacter, stage management; Sarah French, scenic assistance; Nico Bittker, wardrobe supervision; Stanford Vogel, stagehand; and Timothy Lewis, House Management.
Run! See it! You will laugh out loud and plentifully! Plus, you will get a masterclass from Noel Coward on how to say the clever things that we wish we could say to the person who is driving us crazy (and yet turning us on at the same time.)
Limited Run:
October 13th - 23rd 2022
THURSDAY-SATURDAY @ 8 PM (Doors open at 7:15 for General Seating and concessions)
SUNDAYS @ 7 PM (Doors open at 6:15 for General Seating and concessions)
RUN TIME: 2.5 hours including one intermission
LOCATION: Bedford Hills Community House. 74 Main Street, Bedford Hills, NY 10507
TICKETS & INFO: www.katonahclassicstage.com/privatelives
Limited Run:
October 13th - 23rd 2022
THURSDAY-SATURDAY @ 8 PM (Doors open at 7:15 for General Seating and concessions)
SUNDAYS @ 7 PM (Doors open at 6:15 for General Seating and concessions)
RUN TIME: 2.5 hours including one intermission
LOCATION: The newly renovated Bedford Hills Community House.
TICKETS & INFO: www.katonahclassicstage.com/privatelives