How 'Hamilton' Changed Broadway

“I don’t think I would go so far as to say that “Hamilton” changed the art form. What it did do, however, was, as “Hair” and “Rent” had done before, drag the American Musical kicking and screaming back into alignment with popular culture without sacrificing any of its storytelling power or quality of craft.”

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I Can't Stand Censorship in Community Theatre

For over forty years, I have been performing and directing in community theatre, and one thing has been a real concern to me…censorship of a published work.

I guess for me; it is about presenting the piece as it was written for the stage. By not doing this, you are not giving an audience the real product as it was meant to be. I was involved in a production of The Full Monty, and we did THE FULL MONTY at the end of the show. Audiences loved it! You do need to have the right lighting effects in order to pull this off, of course. But we did, and it went off without a hitch.

When allowed to direct it for another theatre company possibly, I asked if they would be going all the way. Their answer was, “No.” That cemented my answer for that opportunity.

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