An Actor's Perspective - Part 3: "Getting That Call..."

Jennifer Kuzmeskas

  • OnStage Massachusetts Columnist

Getting That Call...

The dreaded waiting game, you check your email about 10 times more than you normally do, you check your phone incessantly to see if anyone has called…I mean perhaps you missed the call. Then the phone finally rings, you know it’s the call you have been waiting for.  You hesitantly answer it, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. The person on the other end tells you about all the amazing talent that came out and how it was very difficult to cast the show. Your heart sinks, as they keep talking your heart sinks lower and lower. You even start to concentrate on what you could have done differently. Then, just as you are completely convinced you didn’t make it, the person says, “Given all of that, we are very excited to offer you a role and to have you in the cast.” ELATION!!!!!

Now what? Well, first you need to know if all your friends have been cast. Texting is such a great invention for this. You all went through this agonizing process together; you might as well let them know what’s going on. Plus, they will know that casting has begun and you can let them know what part you got.   Then the full cast list comes out, you get to find out who will be your theatre family for the next few months.  This is something I always get very excited to see. It’s so nice to see so many familiar names and exciting to see many names you don’t know.

By the end of the show most/all of those unfamiliar names will be friends.  

Wait, so you have a part now. Of course you did your research before auditions, but how much do you know about the part you just landed?  It’s time to do some more research. Another form of technology that helps in this process, the internet.  What would we do without the ability to watch videos of our favorite performances, actors/actresses and, of course, watch how others interpreted the part we are about to embark on. Some may say they want to create the part themselves without outside influence, I totally support that. For me, I want to watch at least a couple of videos just to get an idea, even if I don’t use any of the character they created.  Oh and don’t forget to download the soundtrack (assuming you don’t already have it) and listen to it…about 10,000 times.  

In this case, there is also a second waiting game, till the first rehearsal. Auditions were a bit early for this show so they don’t start right away. It’s exciting to have something to look forward to, but part of you wants to start right away and jump in. I mean, you just landed a part, along with a bunch of your friends and there are new people to meet. Let’s do this thing!  

Let’s not rush life though, savor the moment, you had a great audition, you landed a part and you are about to embark on another great theatre journey! Hang out with some “non-theatre friends,” after all, once rehearsals start your standard answer to hanging out with them will be “I can’t, I have rehearsal.” Enjoy the rest of the summer and look forward to your upcoming journey!